video diaries

Japan Dreaming

I've been working my way slowly through the huge backlog of Japan videos and photos over the past few months. I'm now known in small circles as the "Worst Blogger of All Time". I do have to admit that I have been a bit sad to come to the end of my Japan video compilation and it's been one of the things that have delayed my posting of it. It's been such a pleasure to re-live some of it through all of the footage while I've been wrapped up in my bed sheets, light and music blaring from Premiere at night.

I found myself yearning for that excitement of stepping off the plane and onto new and curious soil. The first 24 hours of giddy pleasures, the pointing and marveling. Not to mention my clumsy conversation coupled with a terrible sense of direction, as well as the transition where you slowly but surely get fully acquainted with the city.

I hope you all enjoy my Japan compilation. It is my first travel video and after compiling it together I've realised there were so many other parts I wanted to include or should have recorded... (I'll keep those ideas in mind for when I travel to KL, Singapore, Dubai and Europe).

Unfortunately I had to limit my footage. Fortunately for you that means you aren't spending fifteen minutes watching me struggle with putting coins into a vending machine or of me accidentally leaving the GoPro Hero on record as I sat on a wall in Nara swinging my legs back and forth for a good seven minutes...

Do enjoy!